When in Whistler episode 1 features the park you build, what are your favourite parts of the park and where should we look out for them in the vid?
I build the park on Whistler with three others so it's not all me. I tend to work on the medium and large jumps mostly and I do a few rail sets before and after the jumps so I can hit the features I'm into in a long line. To be honest, I like the overall main line the best, but if I had to pick just one feature I would say the last jump - the one I do the frontside 720 on. It's even better now; I rebuilt it with all the new snow so it's even better.
Edits always make a snowboarder's life look so much fun - how much does your typical day actually resemble the day's riding we see in episode 1?
Well if it looked sunny, that's not normal for whistler but the park is fun and I always bump into friends if I go up solo. It's definitely as fun as it looks I would say. My lifestyle here in whistler is probably the best I have had. I have a way better work/life balance here compared to back home; only working four nights a week and averaging about five to six days a week riding. My fiance and I have a nice cosy one bedroom pad here so life is great.
What's it like being both the builder of the park featured and the rider in an edit?
It's good to have someone think your riding is good enough to point a camera at - that's always flattering, haha. Being able to build the features then ride them is a great feeling. You can build whatever you feel like filming on as long as it's not too gnarly for the public. It keeps you motivated to snowboard for other reasons too; if you built something one night, you always want to go ride the next day just to test it out to see if it worked out well.
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